🚀 Trend Coin Tasks

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Task 1 (35631 days left)

Follow @BulbasaurrrMeme and earn up to 10000 points💰

Budget: points Earned: 105988💰 Participants: 55

Task 2 (35723 days left)

Like this tweet and earn up to 500 points💰

Budget: points Earned: 829💰 Participants: 7

Task 3 (35654 days left)

Re-tweet this tweet and earn up to 1000 points💰

Budget: points Earned: 338💰 Participants: 2

Task 4 (35631 days left)

Repply this tweet and earn up to 800 points💰

Budget: points Earned: 368💰 Participants: 2

Task 5 (35631 days left)

Tweet about #cryptowgo and earn up to 5000 points💰

Budget: points Earned: 608💰 Participants: 2

Task 6 (35726 days left)

Tweet about #eth and earn up to 10000 points💰 (Max:20 tweets per user)

Budget: points Earned: 1723855💰 Participants: 11361

Task 8 (35782 days left)

Follow @BulbasaurrrMeme and earn up to 10000 points💰

Budget: points Earned: 0💰 Participants: 0